On Tuesday of Week 10 last term, our Year 7 students held their PYP Exhibition.
As shared by Mr Altus last term, the Exhibition is a significant annual event in an IB PYP school and in the life of a PYP student. It is the culminating experience of their PYP journey, seeing them employ all the skills developed throughout their time at Redeemer in order to direct their own learning. ost importantly, at the end of their Exhibition learning journey they must also share their learning, taking action and informing others.
This year’s Exhibition was a huge success and as you may have seen from the calibre of work in our main entrance, the Year 7 students’ achievements have been outstanding. The creative pieces on display reflect a depth of thought and a quality of skill beyond Year 7 standard and that is testament to the enthusiasm, commitment and perseverance of our students. It also reflects the support and guidance of our Exhibition teaching team, particularly Andy Geer, Petrea Booth and Leanne Fechner. Throughout the Exhibition process, this team and each group’s mentor have been working alongside groups to support their learning journey.
Whilst the artworks and information recorded are impressive, the true extent of students’ growth and learning can only really be understood when listening to the children speak. Our Year 7 students spoke eloquently and confidently with hundreds of visitors. They shared the new knowledge they had gained, they advocated for change and they explained how they have grown as individuals and as learners.
It is a complex idea to understand one’s own growth in learning and our Year 7 students have come out of this Exhibition process with a far greater understanding of themselves and their ability to learn.
We wish our Year 7 students every blessing for their final term at Redeemer and for the bright futures ahead of them. We’ve certainly seen through Exhibition that they are capable of amazing achievement