Have you seen our bee-autiful creation for the Barossa Vintage Festival Scarecrow Competition? Our ELC has been a hive of activity as the children (and their families) have been buzzy-ily building the bee and it’s colony. We’d love it if you could vote for us, we are #17 (BEE-KIND) on the Scarecrow Trail https://tinyurl.com/RLSscarecrow
Our bee is more than just a scarecrow though, it links into our Unit Of Inquiry about understanding emotions. Our children have been learning what it means to BEE-KIND, we discussed how we can be kind to each other at ELC and what being kind looks and feels like. We’ve read a range of books to explore a broad range of emotions. The children have used the BEE-KIND theme to develop their skills in recognising and naming different emotions, whilst building their own emotional literacy. We have learnt that being kind can influence how others feel too.