
Our Seven Pillars for Teaching and Learning


Redeemer’s Seven Pillars of Learning were created as overarching principles to propel our Village Learning Philosophy. We believe these Seven Pillars are key in developing learners who are equipped for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century, and are lived out in our Villages every day.

These Pillars are shown below.


Providing a flexible approach to learning environments, the curriculum, our way of thinking and technologies.


Understanding that all learners have different needs and are entitled to learning experiences that meet these needs.

Student Wellbeing

Fostering a safe environment and equipping students to be resilient and display strong social skills.

Student Agency

Providing opportunities for student voice, choice and ownership.


Facilitating opportunities for students and teachers to work together.


Instilling a sense of wonder, creativity and desire to take action.

Growth Mindset

Developing a positive approach to learning and life.